Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Postcards From Stickers

I used a couple of stickers I printed from some of my art, to make these two postcards that I sent to a couple of folks at http://iuoma-network.ning.com
I was working on them from our hotel suite in New Hampshire, where my mom and daughter and I were staying when we took Mom up to Dartmouth-Hitchcock, for her appointment, on the 4th. I think the limited access to supplies is what inspired me to cut up one of the stickers into circles to make flowers, but I like how they came out and will likely do this again.

The envelope is made from a page from an old AFAR magazine page and I used an address label sticker I have made for magazine-page envelopes. Fun stuff!

Some Old Mail Art

These are some older works I had posted on my old penpal blog; I feel like they deserve a showcase on the new blog, before I start putting up new stuff.